I LIKE to say that at Wise Owl Trust we prepare our children for the ‘tests of life, not just a life of tests.’ But what does that mean?

It means we do things differently. We innovate, empower, encourage. We want to foster ambitions – not just for our pupils but for our schools and our communities. Because we recognise that our children will face challenges, in learning and in life, and we want to prepare them. However tough those challenges might get.

It means we devised our very own R.E.S.P.E.C.T. character-based programme, promoting Resilience, Empathy, Self-Awareness, Positivity, Excellence, Communication and Teamwork across the entire trust. Totally transforming our schools and over 700 others nationwide who have since adopted it. And it’s not just an acronym, we live and breathe those character values across everything we do, they are woven into every lesson. 

It means we wrote a completely bespoke curriculum for the needs of our children – written by our teachers for teachers. One based on research that blends our key character skills with core topics to give our pupils an amazing breadth and depth of knowledge. Boosting attainment and cultural capital across the Trust.

It means we are leading the way nationally when it comes to wellbeing at school – for our pupils, staff and families – by creating our own pioneering WOW (Wise Owl Wellbeing) programme, focusing on mind, body and soul.

And that is just the start of what we have in store, with even more innovative programmes in the pipeline already.

It means we have seen amazing results. With a demonstrable impact across the Trust in terms of improved attendance, attitude towards learning, reduced exclusions and progress measures that put us in the top 3% nationally in 2019.

What we do works.

And even more importantly, it means we see enthusiastic and engaged pupils who can’t wait to get into school and see what adventures that day holds.

It is our mission to change the lives of not only our children but of our communities and our whole Wise Owl Trust family. If you want to be part of that change get in touch, we would love to work with you.


We are Wise Owl

Sophie Murfin
CEO/Executive Principal